Prepare for Your Visit
If you are a new patient, please click the Welcome Form link.
Welcome to Brookings Vision Center!
Brookings Vision Center professional services.
Brookings Vision Center professional services.
Welcome to Brookings Vision Center!
What to bring:
Insurance cards
Please bring all medical and vision insurance cards. This will ensure that you use all of your benefits to their fullest potential.
If we do not have your insurance information, we cannot submit a claim on your behalf, and therefore any financial obligation will be billed to the patient instead of insurance.
Medication list
Include all eye drops and/or eye vitamins that you take as well as the dosage.
What to wear (eyewear):
If you do not wear any correction currently, just come as you are.
If you wear glasses only, please wear your most current glasses to your exam.
If you have other pairs of glasses that you wear or prefer, please bring those as well (eg: computer glasses, reading glasses, etc.).
If you wear contacts, please wear your contacts to your exam and bring your glasses.
We will evaluate both and update your prescription if needed.